
Costreie Sorin

Lect. univ. dr.

Present Position: Lecturer, Department of Theoretical Philosophy, University of Bucharest


Areas of Specialization: philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, early analytic (Frege, Russell), early modern (Leibniz, Newton)


Areas of Competence: logic, philosophy of science, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind



Ph.D. (ABD) – University of Western Ontario (in progress; completion expected Spring 2015)

Ph.D. – University of Bucharest (2007)

M.A. – University of Bucharest (1997)

B.A.  – University of Bucharest (1996)




Publications (selected):



Fregean Studies - forthcoming, University of Bucharest Publishing House, 2015

Concurs de admitere la INM şi Magistraturӑ 2013. Proba 2. Verificarea raţionamentului logic, C.H.Beck, 2013

(with D. Stefanescu & A. Miroiu) Logicӑ şi Argumentare, Humanitas, 2004


Edited volumes:

Early Analytic Philosophy. New perspective on the tradition – forthcoming, Springer 2015

(with M. Dumitru & G. Stefanov) Philosophy of Language. An Introduction - forthcoming, University of Bucharest Publishing House, 2015

Special issue of Philosophia Mathematica, forthcoming, 2015

Special issue on Frege of History and Philosophy of Logic, 2013, 34(3)


Chapters in volumes or Proceedings:

  •           “Leibniz on Void and Matter”, Vanishing Matter and the Laws of Motion, vol. 13 in Routledge Studies in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy, edited by Dana Jalobeanu and Peter R. Anstey, Routledge, 2011, pp. 213-234
  •             “Leibniz on the Lack of Void and Infinitely Decomposable Matter” – Edited by: Herbert Breger, Jürgen Herbst şi Sven Erdner, 3 volumes of the International Congress Leibniz – Natur und Subjekt 2011, pp. 186-191
  •               “Mathematics and Biology. Applicability and Predictability”, Rationality and Evolution. Philosophical Investigations of Complexity, L. Staicu (ed.), Bucharest University Press, 2009,  pp. 225-51
  •               “Leibniz and Clarke. Physics, Metaphysics and Mathematics”, New Europe College Yearbook 2006-2007, I. Vainovski-Mihai (Ed.), New Europe College, 2009, pp. 97-127
  •                 Is really David Lewis a Realist?”, Ontology Studies/Cuadernos de Ontologia, Nr. 8, San Sebastian, Spain, 2008, pp. 127-138
  •               “Proper names: Mill, Russell and Frege”, Proceedings of the International Conference ‘John Stuart Mill. 1806-2006, University of Bucharest, November 3rd-4th, 2006, University of Bucharest Press, 2007, pp. 291-311





  • „Frege’s puzzle and arithmetical formalism. Putting things in context”, History and Philosophy of Logic, 2013, 34(3), pp. 207-224
  • „Rethinking voluntary euthanasia” (with Byron Stoyles), The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 38(6), pp. 674-695
  • „Frege on numbers”, Transylvanian Review, 2013, XXII (2), pp. 103-120
  • „On proper names: Frege vs. Kripke”, Romanian Journal of  Analytic Philosophy, 2012, IV(2), pp. 78-91
  • “What Mathematical Cognition could tell us about the Actual World” – Elsevier – Procedia Social and behavioral Science 33, 2012,  pp.138-142
  • Frege on identity: the transition from Begriffsschrift to Über Sinn und Bedeutung“, Logos & Episteme, III (2), 2012, pp. 297-308
  • “Frege’s Context Principle: its Role and Interpretation” Logos & Episteme , Vol I (2), 2010, pp. 287-301
  • “The short long life of Russell’s denoting concepts”, Teorema, XXIV/3, 2005, pp. 97-113
  • “Leibniz on Miracles”, Arches- Revue Internationale des Sciences Humaines, Tome 7, 2004, pp. 63-8
  • “Leibniz’s Constructivism”, Revue Roumaine de Philosophie, 47(1-2), 2003, pp. 67-81
  • The New Theory of Reference. Problems and Solutions concerning Proper Names”, Proceedings of The 2nd Annual Conference on Logic and Reasoning, July 2000, NEC Institute for Advanced Studies, Bucharest; pp. 69-81
  • “Possibility by Leibniz”, Krisis - Journal of Philosophy, 7, 1999; pp. 101-116
  • “Identity & Possible Worlds”, Krisis - Journal of Philosophy, 2, 1995; pp. 59-64






·                     „Frege’s Puzzle against fictionalism” – Fictionalism. The Bucharest-Budapest Workshop in Philosophy, Budapest, 4-5 April 2014

·                     „A commentary to Helen de Cruz’s paper What can animal numerical cognition tell us about mathematical realism?”, Ethics and Explanation 2013, Nottingham, 18-19 January 2013

·                      „Frege’s Puzzle and Mathematical Formalism”, Bucharest, 19 december 2012

·                     On arithmetical cognition”, BCAP 2012 – Bucharest Colloquium in Analytic Philosophy – Philosophy of Mathematics Today, Bucharest, 1-3 June 2012

·                     On arithmetical cognition”  în cadrul conferinţei internaţionale BCAP 2012 – Bucharest Colloquium in Analytic Philosophy – Philosophy of Mathematics Today, Bucharest, 1-3 June 2012

·                     Aritmetică: cogniţie şi existentă” - AVALON Center, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Babeş-Bolyai University, March 2012

·                     “Mathematical Cognition and Stucturalism” - MCMP [Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy] – University of Munich, München, February 2012

·           “Computability and mathematical predictability in biology” – Systems and processualities, National Defence University “Carol I”, Bucharest, December 2011

·                     “Leibniz of infinity and matter” - Rethinking Politics for the Knowledge Society, Iaşi, November – December 2011

·                     “What can Mathematical Cognition tell us about Norms?” Evolution and Norms: Concepts, Models, Challenges, Bucharest, November 2011

·                     “What could Mathematical Cognition tell us about the Actual World” - PSIWORLD 2011 – Psychology and the realities of contemporary world, Bucharest, October 2011

·                     “Mathematical Cognition”Significance and Interpretation within the Knowledge Based Society, Baia Mare, October 2011

·                     “Mathematical Cognition and Structuralism”Seminarul de Filosofie Teoretică of the Philosophy Faculty, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, October 2011

·                     “Leibniz on the Lack of Void and Infinitely Decomposable Matter” - IX. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress – Natur und Subjekt – Hannover, September - October 2011

·                     “Matematică şi Dumnezeu”, Summer School Stiinţă, Religie şi Filosofie – Philosophy Faculty, University of Bucharest, September 2011

·                     Mathematical cognition and its (implicit) structuralist ontological committments” – Special Workshop – Numerical Cognition and Mathematical Ontology of ECAP7 Milano, September 2011

·                     “Frege on informative identities and the introduction of his sense-reference distinction” - ECAP 7 [Seventh European Congress of Analytic Philosophy] Milano, September 2011

·                     “Frege on contentful mathematics” - 14th CLMPS [14th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science], Nancy, July 2011

·                     “Frege on contentful arithmetic” - Logicism Today, Besse-en-Chandess, June 2011

·                     “Frege on sense and contentful mathematics” - Bucharest Colloquium in Analytic Philosophy – Frege’s Philosophy of Mathematics, Bucharest, May 2011

·                     “Newton and Leibniz on Miracles” – ISIH 2011 Passionate Minds: Knowledge and the Emotions in Intellectual History, Bucharest, May 2011

·                     „The Infinitesimal Revolution” - The Limits of the knowledge society, Iaşi, Octomber 2010, round table Communicating knowledge and the birth of modern science

·                     “Mathematics and the (Knowledge Based)-Society” – international conference The Limits of the knowledge society, Iaşi, October 2010

·                     “Leibniz’s Antibarbaric Philosophy” – round table at 10th Bucharest-Princeton Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy – Non Mechanical Philosophies in the 17th Century, Bran (România) June – July 2010

·                     „Societatea bazată pe cunoaşterea matematică”national conference Managementul cunoaşterii: probleme fundamentale, Universitaty of Bucharest, June 2010

·                     „Frege on contentful mathematics” – international conference Bucharest Colloquium on Analytic Philosophy – The Actuality of Early Analytic, University of Bucharest, June 2010

·                     “Mathematics and the (Knowledge Based)-Society”, The Limits of the knowledge society, October 2010, Iasi, Romania

·                     “The Infinitesimal Revolution”, The Limits of the knowledge society, October 2010, Iasi, Romania

·                     “Mathematical knowledge based society”, Knowledge Management – Fundamental Problems, June 2010, Bucharest, Romania

·                     “Frege on contentful mathematics”, Bucharest Colloquium on Analytic PhilosophyThe Actuality of Early Analytic, June 2010, Bucharest, Romania

·                     “Frege on informative identities and contentful mathematics”, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Department of Philosophy, June 2009, Barcelona, Spain

·                     “Horror vacui. Leibniz vs. Newton”, Beyond Kuhnian paradigms: was there a scientific revolution in 17th century, after all?, University of Bucharest – New Europe College, March 2009, Bucharest, Romania

·                     “Leibniz on void and matter”, Focus group – The Research group on the foundations of European modernity-NEC, December 2008, Bucharest, Romania

·                      “Newton and Leibniz. Physics vs. Metaphysics”, Bucharest-Princeton Seminar, July-August 2008, Malancrav, Romania

·                      “Mathematics and Biology: predictability and applicability”, Workshop on Theoretical and Methodological Fundamentals in the modeling and dynamics of complex socio-human systems, University of Bucharest, Centre for logic, history and philosophy of science, February 2007, Bucharest, Romania

·                     “Leibniz’ labyrinth or the mathematical analysis of the world”, Seminar New Europe College, December 2006, Bucharest, Romania

·                     “Proper Names: Mill, Russell, Frege”, International Conference. John Stuart Mill 1806-2006, University of Bucharest – New Europe College, November 2006, Bucharest, Romania

·                     “David Lewis’ ontology or how could a Nominalist be called Realist?”, VII International Ontology Congress. From Plato’s cave to the Internet: The real and the Virtual, October 2006, San Sebastian, Spain

·                     “Leibniz’s intuitionism”, Seminar on Early Modern Philosophy. The great instauration: science, philosophy and the reformation of knowledge in 17th century — Research Centre for Foundations of Early Modern Thought (Princeton University & University of Bucharest), July 2005, Bran, Romania

·                     “The epistemological difficulty of Russell’s theory of denoting concepts”, American Philosophical Association – Eastern Division, December 2003 / Washington, USA

·                     “B. Russell - Theory of Knowledge (1900-1905)”, International Conference on ‘Theory of Knowledge’, Black Sea University & Romanian Academy, September 2003 / Bucharest, Romania

·                     “Leibniz’s constructivism”, 12th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, August 2003 / Oviedo, Spain

·                     “The Epistemological Difficulty of Russell’s Theory of Denoting Concepts”, Canadian Philosophical Association, Dalhousie University, May-June 2003 / Halifax, Canada

·                     “Leibniz’s Constructivism”, Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Science, Dalhousie University, May-June 2003 / Halifax, Canada

·                     “Leibniz’s Account of Infinity and His Philosophy of Mathematics”, Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics, Dalhousie University, May-June 2003 / Halifax, Canada

·                     Leibniz on Miracles”, International Philosophy Workshop on ‘Constructions’, October 2001 Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Canada

·                     “Leibniz on Miracles”, The 7th International Leibniz Congress, Technical University Berlin, September 2001 / Berlin, Germany

·                     “The New Theory of Reference: Problems and Difficulties”, International Conference on ‘Logic, Arguments and Reasoning’, New Europe College, July 2000 / Bucharest, Romania

·                     “The Logic of Essentialism”, 11th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, August 1999 / Krakow, Poland

·                     “Frege's Ontology“, University of Bonn, Institute for Logic and Fundamental Research, June 1998 / Bonn, Germany

·                     “Observation and Theory according to Newton-Smith”, Romanian Academy, October 1995 / Bucharest, Romania

·                     Possible Worlds- A Critical Investigation”, 10th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, August 1995 / Florence, Italy



Membership in Academic and Professional Organizations:

§  Member, American Philosophical Association (A.P.A.)

§  Member, Canadian Philosophical Association (C.P.A.)

§  Member, Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science (C.S.H.P.S.)

§  Member, Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics (C.S.H.P.M.)

§  Member, Romanian Society for Analytical Philosophy (S.R.F.A.)

§  Member, European Society for Analytic Philosophy (E.S.A.P.)

§  Member, Association for the Philosophy of Mathematical Practice (A.P.M.P.)

§  Member, The History of Early Analytic Philosophy Society (H.E.A.P.S.)


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